Multiple MOTD's

Several MOTDs can be entered in the settings. These change automatically after some time.


The server icon should be uploaded somewhere as a .png or .jpg file. The link can be entered in the settings.

Custom Player List

The custom player list allows for a personalized message to be displayed when hovering over the player count in Minecraft. This can be configured by setting the "players" array in the MongoDB configuration.

Custom Version String

The custom version string allows server owners to modify how the player count is displayed (e.g., "1/100"). This can be customized in the MongoDB configuration under the version_string field. In the provided example, it is set as follows:

"version_string" : "§8§l➽ §f%online%§8§l/§f%max%"

Here, %online% represents the current number of players online, and %max% represents the maximum player capacity. Owners can change the formatting and text within this string to personalize how the player count appears.


Find document in MongoDB:

db.getCollection('settings').find({"name" : "motd"})

Default settings:

    "name" : "motd",
    "favicon" : "https://i.ibb.co/hY7BggF/server-icon.png",
    "motds" : {
        "first" : [ 
            "§8❱ %col1%§lFedustria%col2%§lNET §8• §7§oMiniGames Server §8•§8§l【%col1%1.20.✘§7-%col1%1.21.✘§8§l】"
        "second" : [ 
            "§7           §8§l[%col1%§l§k!!!§8§l] §7We %col1%steal §7your %col1%free time! §8§l[%col1%§l§k!!!§8§l] §7", 
            "§7           §8§l[%col2%§l§k!!!§8§l] §7We %col2%steal §7your %col2%free time! §8§l[%col2%§l§k!!!§8§l] §7"
    "maintenance" : {
        "first" : [ 
            "§8❱ %col1%§lFedustria%col2%§lNET §8• §7§oMiniGames Server §8•§8§l【%col1%1.20.✘§7-%col1%1.21.✘§8§l】"
        "second" : [ 
            "§7           §8§l[%col1%§l§k!!!§8§l] §7We %col1%steal §7your %col1%free time! §8§l[%col1%§l§k!!!§8§l] §7"
    "players" : [ 
        "§7•§8● %col1%§lFedustria%col2%NET §8» §7We %col1%work, §7you %col2%play. §8●§7•", 
        "§7•§8● §7Discord §8» %col1%discord.gg/???", 
        "§7•§8● §7Website §8» %col1%§lFedustria%col2%NET"
    "version_string" : "§8§l➽ §f%online%§8§l/§f%max%"

Last updated