
Currently is this module deactivated! (Reason: Library cause some problems with SimpleCloud)


It's important that players read the Discord rules, isn't it?

So you can enter a message and an emoji and a role in the config, which means as soon as people have reacted to the message with the emoji, they get the respective role. This is practical for a rules channel, for example.


Responding to player ideas is an important part of any server.

With the Discord module you can easily set up a channel where players can post their ideas, other players can then vote on whether they like it or not. A thread is also automatically created so that it is possible to discuss it.

Bug Report

Because we are all only human, there may be a few errors at some points on the server.

So it is important that players can report them, with our Discord module you can set up a channel like the suggestion module, where players can vote up and down and discuss if others had the same problem.


There is a lack of activity in the text channels of many servers.

With our Discussion Module, a message with a discussion topic is posted to the designated channel every day at 10am, which is useful to start a conversation or activity.


Find document in MongoDB:

db.getCollection('settings').find({"name" : "discord"})

Default settings:


Last updated