
Maintenance Module

The maintenance module is designed to streamline the process of managing system downtimes. Administrators can specify a reason for the maintenance and set a duration for how long the maintenance mode should remain active. This ensures that everyone is informed about the purpose and expected length of the downtime.

Key Features:

  • Reason for Maintenance: Administrators can input a specific reason for why the maintenance mode is being enabled. This is helpful for transparency and communication.

  • Duration Setting: A preset duration can be defined, after which the maintenance mode will automatically be disabled. This prevents the need for manual intervention to restore normal operations.

  • Automatic Disable: Once the configured duration is over, the system will exit maintenance mode automatically, ensuring minimal disruption.

  • Easy Control via GUI: All settings and controls for maintenance mode are accessible through an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI), making it easy even for non-technical users to manage.

  • Bypass Permission: Users who have the fedustria.maintenance.bypass permission are granted access to the system regardless of the maintenance status, allowing critical operations to continue without interruption.


Find document in mongodb:

db.getCollection('settings').find({"name" : "maintenance"})

Default settings:

    "_id" : ObjectId("66704fa4a86c8fd6acc42fab"),
    "name" : "maintenance",
    "active" : false,
    "endDate" : NumberLong(0),
    "reason" : "No reason given",
    "config" : null

Last updated