
Chat Filter Features


Prevents advertising by checking messages against a whitelist of allowed URLs.

Blacklisted Symbols

Blocks messages containing specific symbols deemed inappropriate.

Blacklisted Words

Filters out messages containing certain offensive or banned words.

Autocorrect Commands

Automatically corrects common mistyped commands (e.g., "7hub" becomes "/hub").

Word Replacement

Replaces specific words in the chat (e.g., "bg" becomes "gg").

Command Blacklist

Blocks certain commands from being used in the chat.


As the name say's, player's cant spam.


To bypass all the chat filters implemented in this configuration, a user must be granted the fedustria.chatfilter.bypass permission. This permission allows messages to go through without being checked against any of the filters, including anti-advertisement, blacklisted symbols, blacklisted words, autocorrect commands, word replacements, command blacklist, and anti-spam measures. It effectively exempts the user from all restrictions imposed by the chat filtering system.


Find document in MongoDB:

db.getCollection('settings').find({"name" : "chatfilter"})

Default settings:

    "name" : "chatfilter",
    "config" : {
        "spamProtection" : true,
        "spamCooldown" : 20,
        "advertisements" : [ 
        "whitelist" : [ 
        "containsBlacklist" : [ 
        "blacklist" : [ 
        "wrongCommands" : {
            "7hub" : "/hub",
            "7l" : "/l",
            "7gm" : "/gamemode",
            "7lobby" : "/lobby"
        "replaceWords" : {
            "bg" : "gg",
            "huso" : "Lieblings-Mensch",
            "hurensohn" : "Lieblings-Mensch",
            "ngg" : "gg"
        "commandBlacklist" : [ 

Credits to the S-NET Core for this list.

Last updated